Monday, February 4, 2013

Surprise E-Mails & Surprise Visits to the Principles Office.

So today I was sitting in fourth period, and my phone buzzed and informed me I relieved an e-mail. I usually just ignore them, cause most of the time they are just junk. But today, for some reason I decided to check it..and IT WAS FROM DILL, just dropping in..saying hi and sending some pictures of him and his companion Elder Skelton. I was so lucky to have Aut sitting next to me to celebrate with me! Before we even knew it though our celebration was over and Mrs. Paterson had confiscated my phone. And within minutes me and Autumn found our selves headed down to the principles office. Yes, we legitimately got sent to the principles office. And the Principle is Mr.Hurt. DILLONS DAD!! I had never been so embarrassed!! I was dying. She sent Aut with me, because she was got a drink out of the wrong drinking fountain, and I was there because I had my phone out. NO, this is not a joke. But nothing could get in the way of my excitement!! Getting letters and pictures is so great! I get more and more excited each time. These are some pictures he included in his e-mail.

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